Ahh, today we introduce a new doucheba– er, I mean character! Hmm, who is he? (other than someone who’s being stalked by Annie without his knowledge.)
News, news… A few things! First, I’ll probably take down the Project Wonderful ad block at the beginning of March, because I actually made more money with two Google ads than I do with two Google ads AND a PW ad. I’ll probably switch it out for a wider Google ad.
Second, I’ve decided that March will be Annie Appreciation Month, so my voting incentives will be animated gifs of ferrets, most if not all of which will be Shango, who was the inspiration for Annie. Some will be cute, some funny, some informative. ^_^ But because I think February 2012 sucks, I’m starting Annie Appreciation Month NOW! Vote to see!
And third, I remember making an ill-advised promise back in November or December, that the first time I ended a month in TWC’s top 100, I’ll do twice weekly updates for the following month. I thought I was safe! lol… But right now I’m at 73, so unless something really weird happens, I’ll end this month in the top 100. So yes, TWICE WEEKLY UPDATES FROM MARCH 1 TO MARCH 31! COME BACK THURSDAY FOR THE NEXT UPDATE!